Gin - the cat

Gin - the Ginger cat 


Who cares I am ginger and fluffy

Rescued by the Breda Shelter and fostered by a nice lady until adopted

Favorite things to do:
Cuddle with human as much as possible
Leave hair everywhere as much as possible
Miaw as loud as my lungs can without any reason
Wake up Tonic as often as possible
Play if the toy is interesting
Sharpen my nails and destroy all the expensive furniture
Jump on the kitchen table and steal anything that looks or smells like food

Favorite food:
Anything but human doesn't share

Extremely loving and cuddling
Fluffy as fluck
Curious if Tonic acts curious
One of my eyes is a bit odd and it tears a lot

Welcome to Tales with Gin&Tonic - the cats.


Today is the 10th day of isolation. Among my activities there's coloring and Gin takes credit for my work. I wonder how many cats all over the world do that. Today I left the house for the 1st time since last week Monday evening. I went to the store and surpsingly no one was protecting themselves. Imagine the proportions my anxiety reached. But the trees... Oh the trees. All blooming. What a spectacle. Absolutely marvelous. Tomorrow, 20th of March if the 1st official Spring Day. The weather is absolutely beautiful here in the Netherlands. Hang in there. Stay safe! . . . #isolation #isolationactivities #coloring #colorbook #gingercat #ginthecat #catsofinstagram #rescuecat #spring #bloom #springtrees #anxiety #thenetherlands #coronavirus #goingcrazy #stayhealthy #besafe #enchantedforest #crayons #gin #catsarelife #lifewithcats #thisismylifenow #naturespectacle #paw #gingerpaw
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